Viewing single post of blog Studio visit 1: Skye Sherwin

Matt Price curated a two person show I was part of at The Nunnery in Bow. I was excited to show him my newest work since it was almost two years since we first worked together. I also wanted to ask his advice on art writers, particularly art writers who were interested in similar ideas as mine.

At this stage I had developed two ongoing series of paintings. The first series were the museum display paintings I’d previously discussed with Bruce. These were now finished although I still felt very anxious about them as they still seemed unresolved. Matt and I talked about what makes an  unresolved painting and the difficulties of working out how to ‘fix’ it. The mood of the paintings seemed uncertain but Matt was confident that they would work.

The other series of paintings had developed out of sketches of photos from recent travels. I was keen to show Matt the sketches too following up on Caroline’s earlier advice about exhibiting drawings. He suggested they would work really well as mono prints, and to try out different ways of sketching ideas that weren’t in pencil. Some painters that were brought up in relation to the new series – Benjamin Senior, Jonas Wood and Jo Baer.

As Matt works in publishing, he was able to point me in the direction of really interesting blogs and publications where I could find upcoming writers who I could easily connect with. We talked about making introductions to new people and overcoming the fear of ‘networking’. It helped finding a common connection with people I wanted to meet. I am now working on a list of writers who I am looking to work with over the year.