From an early age, I was inducted into the Canular. When I had my Luekemia at aged 2, the nurses were unable to find veins. So much so, they had to go for veins inside my foot and my neck. To this day, it takes around 3-5 attepts, to get any blood out of me.

This apple will be inducted, also. I will record the findings, as it rots away.




This was possibly where my interest in the Abject began. As a child, this was used for my Radiotherapy when I had Leukaemia. My mother kept the mask, and years later, I found it in a box and I felt excited!!

I began to incorporate the mask into my artwork. The metal pipe cutter, which I found in a car boot sale, when placed behind the mask, created an image which reminded me of the Japanese trading-card game, ‘Yu-Gi-Oh,’ which I used to play this game. In fact, I won this Champions Trophey…



