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On the 4th of December I had my Stroke. As it was happening, I did not know what was happening to me. It felt like my body was drunk, was my mind was sober. It was about a week later that I realised what has happened to me. I have had a massive Stroke.

I wanted to recreate what was happening to my brain cells, and to me.

I got the wood for the project, two years ago from when I was working in the Snap Exhibition (2012), which I was going to use to make my Rack (The Turn of the Screw), but later I found out, that I did not have enough timer to make it.

Going forward to December 2014, I picked up a box full of car headlight bulbs for £10. I realised, this could be my next project. By drilling into the wood, I could fit the bulbs into the timber.



I cut a piece of spare  chipboard to about 800mm, and screwed the timber to it. I then cut of all the bit all wood that was hanging over the edge. Then it was a chase of drilling the holes, to fit the bulbs. I used silicone sealant, to firmly glue them into place.



You will notice some of the bulbs are burnt out: dead brain cells. But some brain cell are still active. If I had the money to do so, I would make the active brain cell light up. I am however, going to wrap wires around the active lights, missing the burned out ones.

This is to show how my brain was recovering from the Stroke: how when one brain cell is knocked out, another one is there to take its place.