Pretty quiet on the Anatomy & Drawing front over the last month. I have not been to life classes since before Christmas and am unlikely to get to any until the weather improves. This is due to a combination of a very dead car, over a foot of snow and the lack of public transport home after 6.15p.m. The bus service is great during the day, but there’s nothing from the nearest town to my village at night.

I have had an email today with the abstract for the meeting in Truro – I do appreciate someone else writing it for me! As there are three of us involved in the presentation it shouldn’t be too stressful.

My only recent anatomical experience has been discussing the position (“relations” in the jargon) of the Plantaris muscle with relations/relatives, one of whom may have ruptured said muscle. I’m not sure I remember anything about it. My ancient copy of Gray’s Anatomy describes it as “sometimes double and at other times wanting…(it) is the rudiment of a large muscle, the tendon of which in some of the lower animals is inserted into the plantar aponeurosis (bottom of the foot): in man it is an accessory to the Gastrocnemius..”. The accompanying illustration looks like one of the originals by Henry Carter. I’m waiting to hear from the publishers whether I can post a copy of the illustration (from the 1935 edition, but presumably still under copyright).