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Probably the last entry for this project blog:

Although a faceless person at the University cancelled the Anatomy and Art SSC for 2012, student demand was such that the life classes took place anyway. I was not involved personally, as no money was available for a fee or travelling expenses. However, the classes themselves generated enough income to pay the model.

As the two members of staff who were the initiators of the project have retired over the summer, it seems highly unlikely that this particular SSC will be running again.

Despite the negative response from An Administrator, I think the SSC was successful overall: students found the academic research challenging and interesting, even if some of them struggled with writing a Humanities essay rather than a purely scientific one. Although one or two obviously thought they had chosen an easy option (wrong…) most started with enthusiasm and managed to maintain the momentum for the duration of the module. The life classes were viewed with a mixture of eager anticipation and trepidation, but provided a rare opportunity for concentrated effort which didn’t involve the memorisation of abstruse knowledge.

As for me, I have been drawing bones like mad, and have been scavenging the local fields for animal bones…. which may provide a new topic for a blog.