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Create Direction Coaching – I’ve made this short 4-week online coaching in response to hearing over and over again the challenges artists & creatives are facing in these current times…

Even though as artists, makers and producers or any type of creative we are used to stepping up to the plate these last few years have given us each very different curve balls, on top of being part of an industry which consistently can pull amazing, life changing experiences out of the bag for little or low budgets…

BUT really… something has to give and it’s generally our health, wellbeing and ability to show up to the page, canvas or screen and connect to our imaginations…

So here’s where Create Direction Coaching comes in…

A 4-week online package is designed specifically to support

creatives with their money & partnership goals.


  • You will receive an initial 1-hour-long consultation

to get a bird’s eye view of all your creative projects,

visions and any barriers to success so far.

  • From there, we will drill down into your main

‘direction goal’ & set a plan for success in further

2 x 60 minutes follow-up calls for the following

2 weeks to really get momentum going.

  • Plus email or What’s app contact daily during the 4-week period for check-ins on your progress.


Invest in yourself & your practice today to gain

clearer practical direction, confidence, & momentum

towards your money & partnership goals, at your

own pace, your way & to fit with your budget.



Sign up for Creative Direction Coaching with Anna B. Sexton

to re-activate your manifesting power for the creative

successes you deserve today

M. +44 (0)7484 184 292 / E. [email protected]