Playing with Processing, a direct and visual language designed for artists and designers.

Good for moving and coloured lines, patterns and pictures.

Can be used with pure data and with ardunos – after quite a bit of fiddling around.

All works swimmingly when there is someone to ask but like learning all computer languages it requires patience, time, a methodical approach !

Hmmm not so sure how much time I want to spend making nice colourful sketches and hard to see how it might work within my existing practice but it’ll be intesting to find ways of making it meaningful


Took part in a 2 day sound workshop – a really good way to learn intensively about making a sound piece – used found sound, some decent digital recorders and edited with GarageBand.

I could see immediately how this might impact on my existing practice (often I am left wondering how Flash, an arduino, processing etc might fit into what I do already) but this seemed a natural extension to the work I’ve already done.

When I was on the beach today, I stopped to pay attention and listen and was surprised that the sea was really really loud !


Art and Technology – what a big gap ! now in second year of MA. Digital Media Arts and am wondering where it will all lead ?

Working on unit called Beyond the Screen and we will be using electronics and code to make interactive work – trickey, unnerving and intense.

Hard to see how the interactive thing will work within my practice but feel it could add another dimension to it.

Need to avoid anything with too many whistles and bows, plenty of that already, but am massively impressed with Pipilotti Rist’s imaginative use of digital media.