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Thursday 24th January

The performance went very well I think. I haven't listened back to the recording yet, but I know there were some very subtle bits, particularly the section where we used field recordings. I had four students who had each gone out and recorded long continuous sounds (traffic, running water, street murmer, and a gurgling radiator), and they all fed into each other beautifully. There were of course moments where some of the other students were making the performers laugh, but everyone gave it a good shot, and I know they haven't done this kind of thing before. It was exciting doing the mixing and looping live; I had to be very aware that my loop was fed back into the mixer and could potentially start recording and overdubbing itself (and get very loud very quickly). A lot to think about whilst also trying to direct the groups…

It has been hugely worthwhile, not least for the experience of creating work with 30 other performers.