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Quite a productive day today. Picked up my nuts and bolts from town which will be used to bind a paper project together. ( tomorrow’s job)

Headed off to Leasowe in the afternoon. Had a meeting to discuss a workshop we will be running there of Friday, then just as I was about to settle down to do some work, a couple turned up to look at my ‘boats’.

They’d seen my work advertised somewhere or other and decided to take the long trek out to visit me. Wish I’d known where they’d see the work, as I’m trying to keep track of what sort of publicity works best, so that I can use it again.

They had a huge interest in Vikings and had some amazing stories about places they had visited to catch up on Viking history. I asked them to email me their stories, as it would be fantastic to use them in future works. I really am quite thrilled that people are now visiting as it took such a long time to break down that barrier, as it were.