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To prove that you are a pc expert on TV, you have to hit the keyboard really hard and as often as possible. This ensures that everyone can hear you and knows instantly what you are doing.

Whether you are in fact an expert, is irrelevant, the important thing is that people know you are there.

Same goes for working in an office… you have to periodically scream at the top of your voice OMG, OMG I’ve got so much to do , while in reality you are only searching through online shopping sites. BUT – it establishes that all in the immediate vicinity, are making a mental note of your ‘busyness’. I know this from experience.

I have in fact been busy, so I haven’t been writing the blog or doing other things I should be doing – the pile of applications I’d meticulously printed off and set aside for my ‘to do’ list, forgotten and now past the deadline dates, are testament to this.

I did though notice another side effect to this silence – people assume you are not doing anything. This is career suicide for whatever profession you are in.

For this reason, I have set up another blog – my work and reasons behind it: www.a-n.co.uk/p/1534479/ to prove that I am still alive.

This is serving a purpose and can be read if anyone wants to, but I will absolutely not go down the route of sending out updates ( yes, I got another two last night…yawn…)