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That’s it, weeks and weeks..if not months and months.. of preparation over and now the waiting period begins. The deadline for the application was last night, but instead of making last minute adjustments to it, I went out.

It was one of those applications that you can add to periodically, save and then add more – so it goes after the last save whether it is done or not. I couldn’t think of anything else to add and I really don’t think it would have made any difference if I had fiddled with it to the bitter end. ( … and I had to get out!!)

A big thanks though to two of the group members – Andrew Crighton and Kimbal Bumstead who respectively sorted out the links on the Sci website and sent some fabulous links to video works for the application process.

Moonfruit is fantastic as a free website, but adding links to it made me just want to scream and throw the pc through the window! The website is a huge part of the application, so I’m hoping it ticks the right boxes.

It’s been quite a task – from building on from the residency at Leasowe, looking into its future reputation as an arts centre, making that sodding website and to coordinating group members…..

But , if nothing else, it’s been a learning experience.


http://www.butterpeanut.com/ ( Andrew Crighton)

http://sci.moonfruit.com/ ( the group)

http://www.kimbalbumstead.com/ ( Kimbal Bumstead)

…and what we live in hope for:
