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I’m in the studio for the first time this week, on a Friday afternoon, having completed week 1 of my residency. I have mixed feelings today, as we woke up this morning to the gloomy news of Brexit. It’s been a strange week of storms, headaches, politics and cancellations. I’ve found it hard to concentrate and been working in snatches of time when Abie is napping or after he’s gone to bed.

Today though I’m in the studio and I’ve been doing some lino printing, thinking through ideas for the project I’m doing with faith groups in West London.  I’m looking forward to our first workshop next Thursday. Its really nice to be here and to be making something, not being distracted by chores or emails or anything else.

Yesterday I wanted to go shopping for materials but getting the pushchair round Tiger was difficult, and getting on the bus was even worse. I constantly had to apologise for getting in the way with the buggy, baby, and bags. I thought about doing a performance about trying to get on buses with inflatables (they had some for sale in Tiger).

I bought a pack of pocket notebooks and have stashed one in the changing bag to note down ideas. Pushing the pram is good for having ideas but its very easy to forget them.

I tried drawing Abie while he was playing on Tuesday. He kept coming over to see what I was doing and wanted to eat the pencil.

I’m going to pack up now and head over to the sandpit.