Jokes are funny right.

Does jokes within art create work that is generally accessible, well at least at a primary level constituting to something else to allow the viewer to question the work? Does this then have a crucial position of the relationship between the joke the artist the work and the audience? What is the function of an artist and the relationship with the audience?

Someone once gave me some advice in which I always remember when I’m feeling a little lost in the mist not really like those gorillas in the mist. However with Sigourney Weaver you could mix aliens with gorillas in the mist I wonder what the synopsis would be like.

Anyway this advice he asked me why make work about anything doesn’t interest you? I think when I heard this it just made me happy not a platform into further thinking now. This gives insight into what is meant by the role of an artist. Early modernism is really where the role of the artist along with artistic freedom came about

Just to throw in good old Oscar Wilde. Wilde wrote in his essay ‘The Soul of Man Under Socialism,’ published in 1891 in the Pall Mall Gazette.

“A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament. Its beauty comes from the fact that the author is what he is. It has nothing to do with the fact that other people want what they want. Indeed, the moment that an artist takes notice of what other people want, and tries to supply the demand, he ceases to be an artist, and becomes a dull or an amusing craftsman, an honest or a dishonest tradesman. He has no further claim to be considered as an artist.”

The author. What is authorship? Richard Prince said, “Jokes don’t have real authors” I just don’t know I can claim some understanding into what Prince states but not fully. I wonder if something isn’t funny does the relationship between the work and the viewer change?

Do you really want to be an author of an unfunny joke?


standing in front of that age old sixty dark abyss

Iam a marxist feminist.

talk of the queers and fags

but all i want to know is how to wear my handbag.

1 Comment

yesterdays work, with sound looping elevator music.

however i have realised that i have spelt intermission wrong on the vinyl cut out

oh dear…


art is not the tool.

theory is the tool.