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Here beings my second ever post

This week started quite slowly with little motivation to do any work, with things like Christmas and doing the laundry getting in the way! However the end of the week has reared its ugly head and I seem to have accomplished more than expected.

‘Organisation X’ of which I co-direct just finished a project recently and I have spent the rear end of the week catching up on admin and tying up loose ends. We have still to be paid by one of our funders which brings a whole new set of delightful scenarios for the coming week, that and attempting to get the deposit back from my old studio !!

Still it’s the time of year when family is more important than ever and questioning your decisions to live in a more vibrant art community than that of your family’s aging community are constantly questioned. As obvious as it is that you can run an organisation and be a practicing artist where ever you like, its not quite as comfortable in a small cul-de-sac in the North, although admittedly it does work for some.