I can’t take my work with transparencies any further until I get my light boxes at the weekend.

Layers are an important element of my work. We are all familiar with layers and use them to hide, cover up and smooth over, but we don’t always recognise how and why we choose to use them.

At the moment I’m working with lino etch, it’s an unpredictable yet fascinating medium to work with. I’m printing onto a variety of hand-made and fine Japanese papers, using a process of layering related images to materialize ideas.

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I was working in my dedicated space yesterday…no other students, no tutors, no energy within the space…it’s got that edgy feel to it; it’s a space that you can’t imagine what it used to be used for.

I’m working with A3 transparencies…trying to resolve the idea about landfills being hidden, smoothed over, covered by a membrane/new skin. Thinking about layers and process meeting ideas; using digital imagery, traditional printmaking techniques and drawing.


A very still image, simple, repetative shapes with interesting tonal qualities…thinking about the space and the decision to utilize it in this way.


It seems like only yesterday when I embarked on my artistic journey; it hasn’t always been smooth, in fact it’s been quite bumpy at times, but that’s only to be expected. I can’t believe how much I’ve progressed; you know how it is…in year one you work on a painting and think you’ve created a masterpiece, now you wouldn’t give it wall space.

By looking at the patterns and scars on the land, my work explores the impact of mankind and the impact of nature on the landscape. I’m not looking for a romantic landscape or the re-creation of a place,but an experience of a particular place, as it is and what I feel it to be.