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September seemed to fragment into a myriad of shattered and interrupted pieces of time. Family life, broken down cars and washing machines pushed in on all sides. Somehow I managed to wade through and complete the pieces of work I felt I needed for the coming BCO show at Paintworks in Bristol. Working in the traditional sense with children around in the summer proved impossible and I began to explore this frustration by blending the relentless, repetitive actions of domestic life with the work itself, gathering the discarded baking parchment from endless cake making sessions and sewing them together in snatches of time over the summer into a bed sized quilt. The very making of this brought up many memories of my mother's battle with depression and the solace she found in baking, the passing of time involved in the action and the subsequent need for approval from those who consumed it.

September saw the studio development plodding on and most of my time spent sourcing, purchasing and devouring the instruction manuals of the technical equipment the ACE grant has provided.

I managed to squeeze in a visit to the MA show in Winchester and a meeting with artist Laurence Rushby as a result of this blog, to discuss the project, galleries and networks etc. With the car fixed, the washing machine repaired and the exhibition up, October is looking distinctly clearer on the work front.