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Ever ordered a meal at a resturant to find everyones plate looks more inviting than your own? I find at times this is the curse of having other peoples work on tap on the internet. I often spend pointless time gazing at other peoples work thinking – why couldn’t I be that sort of artist, why couldn’t I do work that was as colourful/socially engaged, technically complex/ easily transportable, sellable/ permanent/ humourous etc etc. you name it – anything but what I do – and I can’t do anything but what I do. Is it just me that has these moments?

Well, I’ve booked my flight to Ireland, and booked two gallery directors so far to meet up with. They still have my work in the national permanent collection over there from my days before the children. The Arts Council very politely asked to use it a year or so ago to be photographed for some publicity and I agreed in return for some photos which, incidently, I never received.

Katie in Geneva is meant to be forwarding me some written piece about my work but perhaps needs another gentle nudge to make it happen. Finally got the piece of film I completed from the all the interviews conducted with women on the subject of night. It’s on my axis site if you want to take a look, entitled ‘Night Vision’. Leading on from that I have another two film pieces I would so like to do.

On a freezing cold,wintery walk by the lake in Tisbury today, with her rather unhappy baby playing up in the backpack, I talked to my friend Alison about pulling forces on the next film project. Alison, originally from Australia, is a composer of choral music, and to work together would take us both outside our comfort zone, – I would so love it.