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I think I must be the biggest put-er off-er alive and the best vehicle for putting off work is this damn blog. So here I am with an update, when what I should be doing is working out a fiercely mathematically challenging angle for a frame and continuing with my ACE activity report. So far I have googled Sandra Bullock at the Razzies, gazed hypnotically at the favourites statistics pie chart on Axis, wondering who the hell is on the blue bit and browsed through 174 opportunites, none of which I can apply for without selling the children, giving up any paid work and living off leaves.

Anyhow, writing the ACE report has made me realise what a different place I am in as far as my work is concerned than I was a year and a half ago. With or without the funding, (although of course we would all plump for the with) the process of planning out research and development, furiously focussing on the justification of every detail, and mapping out a schedule for moving forward positively in my practice has been a huge pain in the ass but (and I don’t know why I’m surprised) paid off immensely. I now feel I know where I am. I have a really clear concept of the work I want to produce and in a way, it feels like there’s a robustly solid directional base to work from. It’s good, and it’s taught me a strategy to work with in the future.

Anyhow, filmaking is being held up at the moment, partly due to a vist from a little friend – and their millions of siblings. Nits are back, and with four long and curly heads to treat repeatedly for the next few weeks, my carpal tunnel has gone into overdrive, some days it is just so hard to be a parent and an artist. Talking to Cathy Wilkes last year, also a parent of young children, even with the success she has had (Turner prize nomination etc) she too has often thought of throwing in the towel. Some days are just tough and unfortunately, the blog is not only a good put-er off-er, but the first place to head when you want to get it off your chest – I just have one imperitive blogging rule, never after the G&T watershed, that would be fatal!