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Oxford City Council are taking on all the construction and groundwork aspects for me. They have approved my drawings and suggestions. This is a hudge way of increasing what is effectivly the arts budget, as the materials and labour will fall within costs of playground implementation.

Its been about organizing three different community groups to participate in this project for me recently.

The mothers and toddlers group is mayhem. I think the answer is to pay to have the toddlers looked after while the mothers (aint seen no dads there yet, lie I saw one, but he kept a low profile and didnt want anything to do with me, I think he was with his wife anyway) while the mothers work on their design ideas and mosaic contributions.

As it is, the toddlers get jelous to see their mums doing something thats not to do with them. They go ape throwing hissy fits, tearing up the paper we are working on and acting like chimpanzees.

I not blameing anyone for this, its just toddler world. So to enable the mums to participate the little people have to do something else. I will have to pay for this from my budget.