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Back from Barton and the paving is done. No one knicked any of my stuff and all is well. So far.

Just so you get the feel of the place I shall describe the front gardens of the houses just near where I parked the van.

An C reg caravan with moss around the windows, a divan bed, a sofa, large plastic toys to sit in with wheels, along a house or two were, a square yard of building sand, timber planking, fridge, monitor screen, set of stacked garden chairs, giant panda and a teas made.

on the generation game conveyor belt tonight we have….. …………..didnt he do well!

I have been installing artworks made with this community in their new park.

Snippets of conversations and comments while I'm working there, thus:

Is that cement?…..

me – yeh….

my dad used to do that.

My dads gone out to get me some bullets….

me– for what?……….

real bullets…..

me– yeh to go in what?…………

This. (its a plastic toy rifle)

Our dog cant walk got a bad foot.

me– Why's that then?

My brother took it over to the park for fighting (not the one I'm working in) and it came back with a bad foot. It can hardly walk.

The council spend all this money on this and they never put a fence round it.

me– Why do you need a fence?

Its full of shog dite (word change you get it though). Covered in it. They should keep the dogs out.

me– I dont think its the dogs fault, the dog owners should put it in one those three red bins.

This is the best one.

can I borrow that (Pointing to a 2m length of 3×1).

me– why?

So I can build my bedroom.

me– No I using it to get this paving level.

can I borrow that (pointing to a spirit level).

me– why

so I can put a shelf up in my bedroom.

me– no I'm using it to get this paving level.

can I borrow that (pointing to a pair of mullgrips.

me– why.

I want to build some screws.

me– no

can I borrow that (pointing to a metal clip for joining two harris fence panels together)

me– why

Cos I want to mend my grandmothers house.

We were both laughing at this point.

The, can I borrow that game. I expect I may be playing again when I install the rest of the stuff in a week or two.