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degree show proposal was handed in today!!! i’m feeling good about what i’ve set out to do… to fill you in and to quoat myself

The work is the creation of a digital network and is exploring how networks embedded into architectural objects can provide a method of distributing audio and visual data about the public realm back into it. I am also interested to see how the audience becomes a preformative body whilst viewing the work. This avoids becoming about surveillance through showing all data gathered and by not keeping records of data.

Due to the nature of the work I have chosen to spread the works elements around the building, the various locations (marked on the plans provided and listed above) have been chosen through a process of searching the building for various features including use / meaning of the space, wireless routers and power outputs (discussed below).

I would also like the work to have a “base” with one of the architectural objects and a series of 5 prints depicting the network.