Viewing single post of blog BIAD, Birmingham City University

i printed and framed the photograph of flowlosopha and have been working out how to fill the balloons with gas and how to keep it in there whilst i block it with the ipod… i was planning on elastic bands but cable ties seem to be doing a much more efficient job. i’ve been thinking about an edition which might be produced for the work…i’m thinking about vinyl dubplates or whitelabels…poss… i’ve also been thinking about a way User X2:minimal.communication/aesthetic/production.exh can become more participatory or prehaps have a workshop built into it… but i’m gonna have to speak more with flowlosopha i think!!!

i ordered all the material for networked architecture today as well thanks to homebase’s buy now pay later system… it feels good knowing i have a little longer to build the work than the week i was gonna have post loan day!!!

had another meeting at vivid for fierce festival and my first shift with them is this coming weekend…really looking forward to the festival…