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Again a busy 5 or so days! I attended the animation workshop at Leamington Spa art gallery that i have mentioned before and really enjoyed it, it was more of a 3D digital modeling workshop than an animation workshop but i found this more useful to my practice than i feel animation would have been. I was also looking at the days tuition style and was quite interested to see it was basically pure instruction/step by step and i guess that suits the computer work / sat at desk style of learning and am still looking for other workshops to participate in so i have something to compare it with. The last workshop I took part in was a relief print workshop with Ryan McCalland which i feel i got more out of due to a greater interaction with the artist and being able to incorporate the workshop into my own practice. However the digital modeling workshop has left me wanting to experiment a bit more so i can really see what is possible.

I also finished Sign work #2ready for the LSA summer show and have had 5 limited edition prints of the work made which i am going to number and sign on the rear, these are going to be priced at 20quid (unframed) and am pricing the sculpture itself at £300. I am really pleased with how the piece has come out and its finish has actually convinced me to only show one work as opposed to the two i was planning on. I am still really looking forward to seeing it in an exhibition space and as my prints still haven’t arrived I’m quite excited to see them as well. This being the first time i have had to price work i really struggled on deciding on a price and am still not really sure how i decided on £300…its times like these where i definitely noticed how useful the uni studios and staff are!!!