Dear Readers, Here is the final entry for my blog on the Re-place exhibition that happened earlier this month. Having begun the blog in May looking towards this exhibition I feel relieved that we achieved what we set out to. Namely put on a well received, strong exhibition. We featured in Birmingham City Council’s Artfest publicity and became a visual art venue for the Festival.

We had three French artists come over, Francis Viguerea,Veronique La Mare and Joss Burke(formally of Birmingham). It was good to hear what they made of Birmingham (we took then for a curry on the Ladypool Rd, Sparkbrook!). They really enjoyed their stay, and saw the cultural offerings that the city has to offer.

My objectives for this blog was to introduce the artists and their practice to the AN blog audience. Give updates on the organisational processes leading up to the exhibition. Create a web prescence for the exhibition. Attached are images from the show.

What I think has come out of this exhibition is the following:putting the web links to the French artists proved beneficial for those artists.Visits from the UK to Art Chartrons website has secured financial backing for Bordeaux artists next year to take part in artist exchanges.There was no funding for this years artists. It brought international interest in their work. For the Uk based artists hopefully it will have created a new audience for their work.

The exhibition was a success and already there is talk to build on this next year.We have made an in road to the artists working in Bordeaux and vice-versa.This is a positive outcome and bodes well for the future.I hope this blog has been of interest and I hope to continue to blog on other projects that I am involved in. So, good bye from me for now or Adieu!

Tom Ranahan Birmingham 29/9/2009


Dear interested readers,

Here is the penultimate blog for the Re-Place exhibition. The show is now up and open to the public from the 10th Sept -13th Sept. We made it into the Council’s Artsfest publicity materials, so that will hopefully attract a good audience for the show.

Joss Burke and Francis Viguera drove up from Bordeaux with a van load of work, and had a long drive and ferry trip to get to Birmingham Tuesday morning. Veronique Lamare arrived in Birmingham from France by plane on Tuesday morning aswell. We spent Tuesday afternnon and Wednesday setting up the exhibition which I have to say looks really good. I will post some images from the show in my final post when I reflect on the experience of organising an international show like this.

What has been interesting is to see what Francis and Veronique make of Birmingham as a City. They have never been to Brum before so showing them around is a refreshing experience. Francis is also doing a visual diary of the trip to Birmingham and of the exhibition using a digital camera. I hope to see the results when I next visit Bordeaux!

Christophe Masse has written a blog (in French) about re-place exhibition and is called le blog de Christophe Masse. I listed his website in an earlier post.

So, the private view is tonight! I will sign off now until the final post.