Viewing single post of blog Birmingham – Bordeaux exchange

Hi, In these blogs I hope to give you an insight into the artists involved with this project, as well as update you on progress towards our exhibition in September.

I thought I would tell you a little about Bordeaux artist Francis Viguera. Francis makes work from collecting recycled materials such as tin cans, beer cans, vegatable boxes, packaging and creates sculptures and wall based constructions. He uses the text from packaging and advertisements in a playful and aesethic manner. Francis though French, has Spanish origins and he has explored his roots through imagery such as the bull. He is also greatly interested ancient civilizations -such has Babylonian and Cretan cultures. He exhibited at the Museum. D’Aquitaine recently and a summary of his exhibition can be found below. The Full article in French can be found at www.la critique.org/article-le-veau-d-or-ou-l-esthetique. Attached is an image of Francis’s work.

Le veau d’orLe musée d’Aquitaine s’inscrit en 2008 dans le parcours du Bus de l’Art Contemporain en invitant des artistes à dialoguer avec les collections du musée. Francis Viguera, artiste plasticien, présente à cette occasion un choix de sculptures auprès de pièces emblématiques du musée, dans une construction dialogique. Le visiteur grâce à ce lien tissé entre le passé et le présent, a une relecture des collections, et une rencontre inédite avec l’œuvre de Francis Viguera.

Francis also runs le hangar en bois in Bordeaux which is an alternative gallery space and is involved with Art Chartrons.