Viewing single post of blog Bodies/Objects – PDX/NYC (Travel Bursary)

Images from A.K. Burns 4 screen installation A Smeary Spot.

Consisting of 3 large projection screens, a monitor with rolling credits, script/poster handout and sand/resin sculpture. A Smeary Spot created a dark staged environment for an audience to explore the non-linear film presented. The film was a great example of a work which shifted between Theatrical and cinematic environments which distinctive scenes of the film presented to us. As i wandered the gallery i was invited to coast through with scattered office swivel chairs. This was an interesting detail and somehow blurred the borders more. Traditionally with theatre being a fixed viewpoint and galleries allowing one to walk around or from close to distanced view of the work. I found this emphasised the fragmented, cut and paste workings of the text written for the work and the structure of the film, allowing time to become less dominant but desire and visual cues to take more dominance.