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It is the Royal Wedding today – and rather than watching it and having a few drinks I am going to be tackling my mountain of to do lists.

Uni work..! -These Bank Holidays have not helped that’s for sure.

I still have lecture notes to type up, (why I didn’t just type them at the time I don’t know), artists to reference, work to produce, dust to sweep up..and crush.

Yesterday I spent all day with Layne Arlina, my collaborative partner. We spent the best part of last year tackling projects and forming a collective called Eye2Spy. After spending a whole day looking through what we have done and what we need to sort out for marking we realised that actually there’s a heck of a lot of work there! So, instead of taking a step back and figuring out how to organise it all we embark on a new project!

Application written and sent off to Exeter Phoenix in less that an hour – clearly Eye2Spy are more capable of being productive than previously anticipated.

Today is another Eye2Spy day – as will most of the weekend I’m sure. Then it is back to dust for the rest of the week!

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