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Seventy Feet / Free Range Show 2011

I thought I should perhaps say a little more on the Seventy Feet Show with regards to my own work.

On arrival, I was greeted with lots of boxes filled with my dust, dust machines and my plinth. Spent literally a few minutes setting that up and then rushed around like a headless chicken trying to sort the project space out with a few other of my fellow core committee lot.

The result being, I was put down to do not one, not two but three different performances all improvised. Brilliant. Why I put myself up for these things I don’t know.

Anyway, it all turned out fine.

I wanted my ‘Sweeping’ performance to be more, lets say inconspicuous than other performances, as I wanted the viewers to be unsure and to question if it was in fact a piece of art or if I was just cleaning up after them.

Performing this on the opening night was a perfect setting as I had many people around me to sweep up. I swept up behind them, following them around the gallery, in front of them, sweeping the space they were to walk into and then I gathered the dirt with my hands and spat on the piles to keep them intact.

I felt it was a successful performance, especially as it was all improvised.

The end of the week i laid the dust tile down on the floor for people to interact with and walk over as they wished. I wanted to do this for my degree show but felt it wasn’t the right setting. I’m glad with how the tiles stayed intact.

They just quite elogantly and gracefully puffed dust up into the air when stepped on. A cloud of dust formed around each one, settling as the interaction moved on.

A perfect rendition of time and movement.