Am really enjoying building my shelf (or the wooden construction to hold my six tv screens which I refer to as ‘my shelf’). I first thought I would just buy one from Ikea as that would fit with the domestic and mass produced objects I am working with but decided against it in the end. I am happy I did, as this way I was able to make it exactly the size and look I want and have learned a lot in the mean time – for example that it is less hard than expected to build a 180×180 big shelf!
Have been busy filling and sanding it in the last days, plus putting on undercoat and primer … the next thing is painting it – but what colour? I want it to be a fairly normal furniture colour, just not white – as the room I’m showing in will be quite white as it is. I’m tending towards off-white or egg shell/magnolia type colour… Had a bit of a go on Photoshop to try things out (see images) and will go to a paint shop after the weekend to look at samples!