Microscopic relationships

by Donna Franklin.

Over the last few months Donna has been looking at small scale ecologies which lead to global outcomes. Specifically looking at Lichen and Fungi, and the possibilities of using them as bio-indicators of pollution levels.

Key words:

Alchemy, Fungi, Regeneration/Resurrection, refugee lifeform, extremophiles and Escape pods.

Lichen are 3 species in symbiosis. Fungi-algae-cyanobacteria. This is a deep microscopic relationship. Researchers have successfully separated the three invitro but could not stick them back together again. As fungi do not photosynthesise to produce carbohydrates, they work with these extremophiles in a plastic morphology adapting and changing in response to temperature, moisture and pollution levels. Here the fungi partner prepares to release spores.

Credit Line: Franklin, D. (2020). Lichen Sexual Reproduction. Living specimen.

A series of chambers, hairs, and neuron cells associated with the olfactory bulb inside the brain; The nasal cavity is the first line of defence. Sense of smell is an early warning system, connected to emotion and memory. The mucous production and act of sneezing expels particles, pollen and disease.

Credit Line: Franklin, D. (2020). Nasal Cavity, Sus scrofa domesticus. Fresh dissected tissue.

A 50-year-old lichen growing on our solar panel, 15cm in dia. The eroded centre, regenerating new tissue.

Credit Line: Franklin, D. (2020). Regeneration. Living specimen.




Listening beneath the bog.
I have spent a few visits sitting quietly with the moss. Training myself to listen and allowing myself to imagine the unseen landscape beneath the bog.

When the sky is grey there is a softness.

On still days everything whispers

On windy days everything maps the energy of the wind.

Broken patterns of light and movement.

Spring is bringing new layers to my understanding.

A simple walk and conversation with Anna Keightley led us to a small pool just off the main mossland area.  Anna wondered if its more sheltered location would reveal some signs of activity using the hydrophones.

She was right, the pool was full of Toads gathering to spawn.  Their chatter was fascinating. Listening below the water you could recognise distinct sounds, clicks and squeaks.





The arrival of the Snow Moon left a thin layer of ice on the moss.

There was a stillness but a clarity to the light which illuminated the pools and the grasses. Sitting quietly I could see vapour rising gently off the peat as the sun heats the surface.

Birdsong gently surrounds me.

Winter Hill was shrouded in a pinkish mist.




Visiting Place Number 18483
by Dr Sarah Robinson

I have just walked around Lake Richmond, Western Australia.

A heritage listed site because of the rare and critically endangered freshwater thrombolites; microorganisms that resemble the earliest life on Earth.

The water levels are so low!

Here, there has been a recent bush fire and I noticed these ‘mini volcanoes’ of carbon… visually striking lines of thought for my creative practice.



Under the Microscope
by Dr Sarah Robinson

The arctic snow is showing signs of getting darker as black carbon particles fall to earth while the snow and ice becomes redder with Chlamydomonas nivalis algae blooms.

The cellular mechanisms for these unicellular algae organisms display phototaxis as an eye spot on the side of the cell wall sees cycadean rhythms. These organisms are responsible for Red Algae blooms and can position themselves using flagella to swim. This enables the cell to metaphorically see and position itself in the best place for light and hence growth in the snow. In my mind Phototrophic algae link black ice to etching alchemy as a proposition to construct etching plate sensors in the wilderness.

How will these plates sense in the light and dark?

What boundaries will be lost between us and digital technology?