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Reflecting on yesterdays very productive day, in terms of realising the potential in our individual library loan histories, it is clear where we were going wrong. The list of thirty six books we initially selected were not reflective of Trois Elementos as a collective or indeed of us, the three individuals who make Trois Elementos what it is-our needs, concerns and desires. We are individual artists with practices in our own right. It is inevitable that aspects of our practice are going to overflow and be realised in our combined efforts.

Choosing books, merely by their width and catchy titles was ultimately going to fail. The lists was not extensive enough, and thus was rather limited in it's scope in terms of its period in history and art theory.

Our knowledge and theory as engaged individuals and artists is more varied and in depth than the list suggested.

It is even more varied than the list we compiled in the library, because these are only the books that we took out in the charing cross road site and was also limited by the height of the pile as it was about to tip over.

Our work is performative in its undercurrents and we are considering live performance in the show, the three of us speaking to the viewers. However, only one of us is professional and mature enough not to laugh and look self conscious in such situations. We have to tackle this – but live perfomance is notoriously impossible to do without looking like a turd.

We have also considered making this blog a feature of our show. At some point next week we'll have a super productive day and pin it all down just in time.