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On Saturday 6th August I became 57 years old, I spent the day at shell bay near Studland Dorset. It was a bright sunney day and the sea was clear and warm with clear Blue Skies. The view of the Isle of White and Bournemouth reminiscent of childhood sundays spent here or on Brownsea or Southbourne beech. I grew up in Bournemouth allthough a mile away from the sea the air and micro climate had a great influence on me. I have since I can remember produced art work in one way or another, pieces created then refelected on to try and extract meaning or as purpose, intent or perhaps just to please or gain praise and attention as a child or justr for the fun of it. People produce art for a whole range of reasons and complex combinations too. I have spoken my mind and been shuned, dismissed or ignored because of it in the past. In the late seventies I spoke out through my work about environmental issues then social issues from the early nineties. So being 57 makes little or no difference to me speaking my mind, it does however influence the way I want to work in the future as I feel the urgency to make more of a contribution towards social and ecological change. What I really want to do is review and recontextualise 40 years of work but to also begin a whole new body of work and new partnerships to see the work put into process.


As I consider my 40 year career most of which purposefully staying out of the limelight because of the nature of socially engaged art practice. Having worked with the most vulnerable in society people with multiple challenges and issues where the imperative has been that the participation in processes of making art are parampount. Circumstances that demand people become empowered themselves, gain confidence to share their work and gain insights into themselves and others. There is no room for ego and now it is ironic for me to be wearing high visability, but I hope without too much ego.

I collaboratyed with David Caddy to produce a joint performance/presentation piece last night. The video is now available please also see the ‘Enemies’ site below. It has been a challenging and very enjoyable process a copy of the visual image backdrop can be accessed from the rehearsals blog.

Here is a collective photo call for the 7th August event at Hauser and Wirth

David Caddy reading photograph courtesy of Crysse Morrison

My part photograph courtesy of Crysse Morrison


As part of the an magazine professional development bursary I have been working with David Caddy Here is a link to Simon Zonenblick’s video celebration of his work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VAPNGliSRw

I have been collaborating wirth David as part of the ‘Enemies’ project and giving a performance presentation of our work on 7th August at Hauser and Wirth Please see


A video of this will be available shortly

I am also reviewing Sonia Aaron’s autobiography of Sven Berlin ‘Timeless Man’ please see


The review and my essay will be published later this month in issue 64 of Tears in the Fence magazine


The professional development bursary has enabled me to develop a closer relationship between text based art and visual art practice. The work produced will contribute towards a new funding application with Art Council and opens up new ways of thinking and connections that will inform further work. It has been inspirational and cathartic to have a break from working to set criteria and parameters and to have the freedom to explore.