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As part of the an magazine professional development bursary I have been working with David Caddy Here is a link to Simon Zonenblick’s video celebration of his work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VAPNGliSRw

I have been collaborating wirth David as part of the ‘Enemies’ project and giving a performance presentation of our work on 7th August at Hauser and Wirth Please see


A video of this will be available shortly

I am also reviewing Sonia Aaron’s autobiography of Sven Berlin ‘Timeless Man’ please see


The review and my essay will be published later this month in issue 64 of Tears in the Fence magazine


The professional development bursary has enabled me to develop a closer relationship between text based art and visual art practice. The work produced will contribute towards a new funding application with Art Council and opens up new ways of thinking and connections that will inform further work. It has been inspirational and cathartic to have a break from working to set criteria and parameters and to have the freedom to explore.