The aim of this funding is to facilitate a successful realisation of a research period, building partnerships, and the development of new productions. It will cover my time – one day per week for a year – to focus on my practice, it will enable the flourishing achievement of new potential projects and will give me the opportunity to network to further develop and make new contacts for future exhibitions and the development of my career as an artist in the UK and abroad.

I received the grant before Christmas and the first few weeks of the start of this project have been very exciting. As part of this grant I have allocated mentoring funding and I have been researching into potential mentors. I organised meetings with the Director and the Curator at the Towner Gallery and had discussions with the Director at ArtSway, and with they help I have contacted and arranged meetings with potential mentors.

Last Monday I had my initial meeting with the mentor just to see if it would work and test the grounds. The meeting went brilliantly and now I am working on some thoughts and ideas to bring forward for the next meeting.