Not too long ago someone asked me to imagine it was five years in the future and I was being asked to tell my story of how we exceeded our goals with Cutlural Fusion. Initially, I had thought to point to one piece, but recently it has occured to me that actually one would have to view the major pieces of this series because that is where the story is.

The most recent work in progress reminds of those pieces that challenge our aesthetic quest because sometimes the work is about the inability to find the beauty in a situation…or perhaps when it can be glimpsed or touched it is after reach out or inwards through the distance from where we reside physically.

This has helped to illuminate and provide more clarity to the developement of my SoulFood framework.

Starting with the insights from Source:Acceptance

Through this approach one finds balance and peace…

And then the creative well spring is replenished to develop new solutions….it becomes clear how the pieces fit together.

How does this relate to my interest in business solutions and organizaitonal strategy?

It has helped me to see how seemingly disjointed pieces actually can fit together quite nicely in their own way….it reminds me a bit like what one gets from workign with found objects as I have done a bit in this most recent piece. (Actually the last several as they were done on scrap wood I stumbed upon more than a year before I did the pieces on them)

With found ojects especially, I feel one discovers new relationships between unrelated objects and sometimes ideas and feelings. I guess we could call this relationships of contrast.

Through my own relationship to place I discovered home is not the same as place of origin. tely connected to my work on economic development and social capital in CRM Strategy.

The line of inquiry that led to this insight is initmaocial capital.

At the same time that this has evloved so has the fictional story I’m writing to explain the "Shifting Reality"


I am sharing this from a draft in development, so citations are not formatted but are referenced with Author-pages number. I welcome your feedback and questions.


Convergence is for Yvette_Dubel what Attention:CrossOver is for Ronald_Wopereis

(According to Yvette_Dubel convergence is internal view while crossover is the external; feminine and masculine.)

In the context of the SoulFood tradition being applied/developed in this Art:Series convergence is evident by two or more SoulFood:Ingredients or Art:Artists evolving in unique ecosystems to develop similar adaptions that lead to a Source:Connection that develops into a Source:Commitment, usually resulting in a Project.

It is also:

Component for an Art:Work consisting of multiple contributions from several Art:Projects. The point being to represent the point(s) or moments of convergence with each Project:Sponsor or CF_Website:Member.

The SoulFood:Ingredients identified for this SoulFood:Dish are the following Theorem for convergence of random variables; the Attention:Dialogue(s) and representations that gave rise to Project:what-is-peace?; Project:Oci_Novosti-currently version being developed into IamSharing-Texas

From Wikipedia convergence of random variables, almost sure convergence:

In this context

Instead of simply offering a solution, it leads the way in establishing a method for discovering these new infrastructures that incorporates existing resources and relationships that support love and growth to foster collective breakthroughs. At a practical level this is expressed through sharing the best of ourselves as institutions, businesses, organizations, communities and individuals most readily available through shared experiences of compassion, encouragement or inspiration, appreciation and shared knowledge. Social networking with synchronicity have combined to make it much easier to make this a focal point in our lifestyle, thus shaping new types of communities that are extensions of in-world relationships. This paper puts forward that this addresses the need expressed in his book when Florida writes, “A central task ahead is developing new forms of social cohesion appropriate to the Creative Age.”[p.12]. It is from this fresh perspective of inclusion that new possibilities in products and services ranging from eco-friendly housing and healthcare to eco-tourism and security become visible. Meaning that the IamSharing collaboration with Cultural Fusion will open doors to new spaces for learning by paying attention to 1) the value of the individual and 2) sharing as the path to loving action.

[Florida-p.13]The nature of human creativity means it is not limited to technological innovation, business models or even art. It can not be boxed up and pulled out on demand; rather creativity has to be cultivated and nurtured within the individual and the surrounding community.

“…Perhaps the biggest issue at stake in this emerging age is the ongoing tension between creativity and organization. The creative process is social, not just individual,j and thus forms of organization are necessary But elements of organization can and frequently do stifle creativity. A defining feature of life in the early to mid-twentieth centure- a period referred to as the organizational age- was the dominance of large-scale and highly specialized bureaucratic organizations. Writing in 1940’s , the great economist Joesph Schumpeter called attention to the chilling effect of large organizations on creativity….

In an interview that I conducted in 2000, a young woman described this same chilling effect in stark and memorable:

Where I grew up, we were conditioned to play the roles that we were dealt. We were not encouraged to create and build our visions, but rather to fit into the visions of a select few. I like to say that we were institutionalized individuals because institutions defined our lives

[Florida-page 13] Florida goes on to clarify that “our new creativity system is far from fully formed and continues to evolve. Remind readers that it is not a magic pill that will magically cure our modern social ills, in fact left unchecked it could actually make many of them worse. This is because without deliberate intention to make a positive difference can become increasingly materialistic and self absorbed, completely unconcerned with the impact their actions have on the others.

It is the need for constructive expressive method within a prolific framework that has summoned the realization of Cultural Fusion and the SoulFood Tradition as solution. Far from redundant fascination with the meaningless, it calls the individual to consider and engage in “art as philosophy”. Art with purpose is an exploration that is not bound by the boundaries of definitions or framing, and is uniquely concerned with solutions to complex challenges or problems.