Although I've been a bit quiet, there is much going on behind the scenes. Among the things in progress is the paper I've been developing about the context and lessons of Cultural Fusion.

The art pieces I'm working on are parts of large works mostly, and I am exploring carving printmaking tiles to more fully express what the series is about.

In that pursuit I have again revised the opening. This article is an excerpt from my paper/manuscript still in progress. The biggest change is that profit and social capital divorced :-( I was initially very sad about this, but alas social capital has a new love and it is a romance made in cyberspace!

“Every society, on every continent, regardless of ethnicity or socioeconomic conditions has contributed its own intellectual products to the collective out put of humankind, because the bringing forth of cognitive and creative impulses are as compelling as the bringing forth of offspring.”

Dr. Constance Hilliard

Intellectual Traditions of Pre-colonial Africa


SoulFood:New Framework for Defining Opportunity Space

Creativity and social capital are made for each other. When they are united, it’s as if they’ve fallen in love. Social capital is the value inherent in interpersonal networks. Its amalgamation with creativity signals a radical redefinition of the global landscape as the key to unveiling new facets of success. And as with a genuine romance, the result is a dynamic shift, a shedding of the old and a reaching out to the new — in this case, to inclusion of intangible economies and experience.

Consider the “Source Arts” (or the socially conscious driven creative class) as a core boutique market to be empowered with CRM (customer relationship management) Strategy solutions that deliver on the promises of the relationship and experience economies to invest in a global emerging market. Furthermore, this paper concerns itself with how this can employ glocalization to address regional issues on a global scale. This is not meant to suggest a one off solution for every community around the world, but rather a conceptual and implementation model powered by the right network of technological and process systems solutions that harness the individuals’ creativity and affection for place to develop community remedies that evolve.


Not too long ago someone asked me to imagine it was five years in the future and I was being asked to tell my story of how we exceeded our goals with Cutlural Fusion. Initially, I had thought to point to one piece, but recently it has occured to me that actually one would have to view the major pieces of this series because that is where the story is.

The most recent work in progress reminds of those pieces that challenge our aesthetic quest because sometimes the work is about the inability to find the beauty in a situation…or perhaps when it can be glimpsed or touched it is after reach out or inwards through the distance from where we reside physically.

This has helped to illuminate and provide more clarity to the developement of my SoulFood framework.

Starting with the insights from Source:Acceptance

Through this approach one finds balance and peace…

And then the creative well spring is replenished to develop new solutions….it becomes clear how the pieces fit together.

How does this relate to my interest in business solutions and organizaitonal strategy?

It has helped me to see how seemingly disjointed pieces actually can fit together quite nicely in their own way….it reminds me a bit like what one gets from workign with found objects as I have done a bit in this most recent piece. (Actually the last several as they were done on scrap wood I stumbed upon more than a year before I did the pieces on them)

With found ojects especially, I feel one discovers new relationships between unrelated objects and sometimes ideas and feelings. I guess we could call this relationships of contrast.

Through my own relationship to place I discovered home is not the same as place of origin. tely connected to my work on economic development and social capital in CRM Strategy.

The line of inquiry that led to this insight is initmaocial capital.

At the same time that this has evloved so has the fictional story I’m writing to explain the "Shifting Reality"


I am sharing this from a draft in development, so citations are not formatted but are referenced with Author-pages number. I welcome your feedback and questions.


Convergence is for Yvette_Dubel what Attention:CrossOver is for Ronald_Wopereis

(According to Yvette_Dubel convergence is internal view while crossover is the external; feminine and masculine.)

In the context of the SoulFood tradition being applied/developed in this Art:Series convergence is evident by two or more SoulFood:Ingredients or Art:Artists evolving in unique ecosystems to develop similar adaptions that lead to a Source:Connection that develops into a Source:Commitment, usually resulting in a Project.

It is also:

Component for an Art:Work consisting of multiple contributions from several Art:Projects. The point being to represent the point(s) or moments of convergence with each Project:Sponsor or CF_Website:Member.

The SoulFood:Ingredients identified for this SoulFood:Dish are the following Theorem for convergence of random variables; the Attention:Dialogue(s) and representations that gave rise to Project:what-is-peace?; Project:Oci_Novosti-currently version being developed into IamSharing-Texas

From Wikipedia convergence of random variables, almost sure convergence:

In this context

Instead of simply offering a solution, it leads the way in establishing a method for discovering these new infrastructures that incorporates existing resources and relationships that support love and growth to foster collective breakthroughs. At a practical level this is expressed through sharing the best of ourselves as institutions, businesses, organizations, communities and individuals most readily available through shared experiences of compassion, encouragement or inspiration, appreciation and shared knowledge. Social networking with synchronicity have combined to make it much easier to make this a focal point in our lifestyle, thus shaping new types of communities that are extensions of in-world relationships. This paper puts forward that this addresses the need expressed in his book when Florida writes, “A central task ahead is developing new forms of social cohesion appropriate to the Creative Age.”[p.12]. It is from this fresh perspective of inclusion that new possibilities in products and services ranging from eco-friendly housing and healthcare to eco-tourism and security become visible. Meaning that the IamSharing collaboration with Cultural Fusion will open doors to new spaces for learning by paying attention to 1) the value of the individual and 2) sharing as the path to loving action.

[Florida-p.13]The nature of human creativity means it is not limited to technological innovation, business models or even art. It can not be boxed up and pulled out on demand; rather creativity has to be cultivated and nurtured within the individual and the surrounding community.

“…Perhaps the biggest issue at stake in this emerging age is the ongoing tension between creativity and organization. The creative process is social, not just individual,j and thus forms of organization are necessary But elements of organization can and frequently do stifle creativity. A defining feature of life in the early to mid-twentieth centure- a period referred to as the organizational age- was the dominance of large-scale and highly specialized bureaucratic organizations. Writing in 1940’s , the great economist Joesph Schumpeter called attention to the chilling effect of large organizations on creativity….

In an interview that I conducted in 2000, a young woman described this same chilling effect in stark and memorable:

Where I grew up, we were conditioned to play the roles that we were dealt. We were not encouraged to create and build our visions, but rather to fit into the visions of a select few. I like to say that we were institutionalized individuals because institutions defined our lives

[Florida-page 13] Florida goes on to clarify that “our new creativity system is far from fully formed and continues to evolve. Remind readers that it is not a magic pill that will magically cure our modern social ills, in fact left unchecked it could actually make many of them worse. This is because without deliberate intention to make a positive difference can become increasingly materialistic and self absorbed, completely unconcerned with the impact their actions have on the others.

It is the need for constructive expressive method within a prolific framework that has summoned the realization of Cultural Fusion and the SoulFood Tradition as solution. Far from redundant fascination with the meaningless, it calls the individual to consider and engage in “art as philosophy”. Art with purpose is an exploration that is not bound by the boundaries of definitions or framing, and is uniquely concerned with solutions to complex challenges or problems.


It's been a great weekend with plenty of work getting done. I have one painting well underway and near completion…i will let you see where it is now…just remember i'm still working on some small things to complete it.

I read a quote from Mark Rothko where he declared he was not an abstractionist but rather one deeply interested in exploring human emotions. This has started me to reconsider the degree to which emotions frame everything stemming from subjective perceptions and how to represent this visually and tactually. I have fallen in love with this painting partly because of the change as well as the insights that have accompanied it.

I also started working on a small installation piece inspired by a flash of insight, a moment in time with a collection of objects expressing an idea about the nature of consumerism that attempts to manipulate the organic for superficial gratification…

I am also working with Dr. Skadberg to move the new media and technology aspects of Cultual Fusion forward with special consideration for Hotel Infinity. I had an excellent meeting with the former Science and Technology Director for a state on one of our southern borders. The signficance is that Cultual Fusion is now engaged in the "building bridges not walls" initiative to promote collaboration and economic development along and across the Mexican border. Still chugging forward with the agri-business pilot projects and hopeful that at least one will be in Zimbabwe.

While i wait for the right situation to create Fusion Installatie Genesis i'm happy to report that there has been no shortage of inspiration! In fact, i today while waiting for a few lettuce leaves to dry ( i had gesso-ed and painted them for the previously mentioned installation in progress) i did a wonderful sketch of my new studio space :-)

And now for a Creativity Pause….



What do you know about collaborative creativity as a driving force in the marketplace?

Is it possible that an art movement based on purpose could have a positive effect on the future unfolding?

This series is defined by the personal growth that has to accompany any true societal transformation. It is art that defines the tool kit based on concepts explored at the comfusion.pbwiki site.

If organizations are to be understood as social networks, whether online or in world, who is positioned to capture the up and coming innovators from across sectors (passions) to reflect the level of diversity required to craft a unified conceptual foundation that can be flexibly applied? It seems that most online networks have not found a way to overcome the limitation of most traditional organizations…the organizational culture.

Considering how many companies now have buzzing community boards, why aren't more customer led innovations emerging to maximize ROI for users and owners?

Interactive forums are reflections of the same communications problems one finds as a hinderence at the community level that ensure that nothing other than the status quo can take root. I suppose it is only reasonable to accept that one can't know what you don't know.

There have been many experts talking/writing about market disruption as force that will shape the economy as it moves through this transition period. However, I'm not hearing much in terms of insight about the disruptive factors bubbling up right now in the States. Why?
Because it is happening among what seem to be the mostly agreed upon “invisible people”.

In The Tipping Point Gladwell underscores the importance of “stickiness” with an example where including a map to a place that the readers were already familiar with made the difference, the status quo of using fear to manipulate behavior failed. This made me question how many people were also wondering about what will deliver the “stickiness” to keep attention on the part we play in the solutions we have to develop as a society and as individuals?

Now before I explain what prompted this post…

Consider what a radically new social landscape we create when we can engage all levels of society based on this idea….

Develop systems and operating frameworks that turn users into producers and consumers into creators as an approach to offsetting the demand on community human services AND support development of globalization models that address a significant current problems of economic development across Africa and CSR program short falls that will have a negative impact on corporation profits (declining social capital).

Corporations especially are invited to open dialogues to help harness the talent and passion of the individuals within their organization. Consider the social capital value you lose when your business does not support your employees with a passion for social innovation that can be your key to connecting with market/customer/end user inspired innovations.

Often social enterprises are built with one large customer, without a growth in market share the endeavors are not sustainable, but that is an issue for another time.

At the end of this post there is a link to a talk that I’d like you view and consider those questions.

Lessons from Freakonomics…there have been no shortage of reports about the anticipated crisis in certain sectors of the financial market. However little attention has gone to the very human side of that scenario, that could also mean an increase in demand on an already under supported human services sector.

Recently I was having a conversation with a close friend of mine who works in peri/prenatal outreach. She sighed as she said, “I am now where you were a couple of years ago…now I understand what you meant.” We had a dialogue where I indicated that if nothing change that exactly what is now happening would happen…hitting hardest the people we had been working with.

One person with full time employment providing shelter and varying degrees of support for two other single parents under the age of 21, having that one person (head of household) become displaced because of a big increase in their mortgage interest rate actually impacts at least two other families. If they are barely surviving now what will that mean? Is this reality something to factor into economic policy? How do you visualize/develop solutions for a problem that has been denied proper attention?

In the past I’ve written articles and proposals citing the various homeless statistics from county to county and I have learned that statistics do not tell the story that is the truth that many people live each day. One lesson: Life is more than numbers and you are more than your bank account.

Take for example a state reporting a decline in numbers entering homeless shelters, therefore concluding they have had an impact on the problem by achieving this benchmark of x decline in homeless count. Perhaps there are fewer people going to shelters but is that really because they are no longer “homeless” in the sense that they do not have their own permanent home? My experience and that of the many people I know or have known that work in the human services sector serving those in need…our experience is that people are staying away from shelters for a whole range of reasons from social stigma to fear of their safety. Some shelters for example will not allow a son that is older that 14 to stay with his mother and many women would sleep in their car with their children rather than have them separated.

Some shelters have policies that may deter many most in need of their services and that gets into core issues such as some people believing that certain people (active substance abusers) do not deserve the right to access of emergency shelters. The reality is that many of the women on the streets are also mothers and so this leads to occupancy in abandon or otherwise unfit/dangerous housing. Fear of prosecution on behalf of these women presents another challenge for the women charged with helping them and their children. Often this then leads to issues effecting the senior population living in challenging conditions that take on responsibility to care for their grandchildren rather than see them go into the foster care system.

My point is not to list all the people in need because obviously that is far from a complete list. The intention is to give you the context of the understanding shared between my friend and me. When I was focused on the grassroots level in a different capacity my driving mission was to help strengthen community services to be ready for what I hope would not happen because it represented what I then saw as a worse case scenario. Considering the downsizing of the mental health system I have wondered why no one is discussing how to develop intervention strategies for child and senior abuse victims. Without this it is likely we will have stories of deaths instead of rescues.

So when people wonder why I am so focused on the value of “art as philosophy” to develop solutions to increasingly complex social situations…I ask you to think about this.

The opportunity is that in times of great change is that there are opportunities as well as risks. And that is why I want you to be inspired by this post. I hope to share with you a bit of what inspires me to stick with Cultural Fusion…I believe that the right sponsors exist to develop ideas such as these…or at least spaces for them to be incubated to increase the rate positive changes on larger scales. It is not enough to say art is the answer, it is art with purpose…carrying the energy of questions from the deepest part of us, the place where we are most aware of our humanity and interconnection. I am reminded of a quote:

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” —-Nelson Mandela

What do the financial indicators foretell for the most vulnerable among us?

And so we see a very obvious example of how the poor are treated as if they are invisible and I ask you to consider how do we build a better future if we ignore these realities? Furthermore, since there has not been value previously established for the radically new approaches called for that can bridge disparate situations to improve conditions for all, there exist a great opportunity for frameworks such as SoulFood in context such as Cultural Fusion. There is a place for the positive work of many who are committed to applying their talent for change. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by this post, realize that history will tell the truth of who we are despite what we claim or choose to believe.

If you didn’t know before…hadn’t thought of it this way. What will you do now that you have?

Thanks for reading. Click the link below and check this out (sorry I couldn't embed it for you):

Talks Charles Leadbeater: The rise of the amateur professional