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It's been a great weekend with plenty of work getting done. I have one painting well underway and near completion…i will let you see where it is now…just remember i'm still working on some small things to complete it.

I read a quote from Mark Rothko where he declared he was not an abstractionist but rather one deeply interested in exploring human emotions. This has started me to reconsider the degree to which emotions frame everything stemming from subjective perceptions and how to represent this visually and tactually. I have fallen in love with this painting partly because of the change as well as the insights that have accompanied it.

I also started working on a small installation piece inspired by a flash of insight, a moment in time with a collection of objects expressing an idea about the nature of consumerism that attempts to manipulate the organic for superficial gratification…

I am also working with Dr. Skadberg to move the new media and technology aspects of Cultual Fusion forward with special consideration for Hotel Infinity. I had an excellent meeting with the former Science and Technology Director for a state on one of our southern borders. The signficance is that Cultual Fusion is now engaged in the "building bridges not walls" initiative to promote collaboration and economic development along and across the Mexican border. Still chugging forward with the agri-business pilot projects and hopeful that at least one will be in Zimbabwe.

While i wait for the right situation to create Fusion Installatie Genesis i'm happy to report that there has been no shortage of inspiration! In fact, i today while waiting for a few lettuce leaves to dry ( i had gesso-ed and painted them for the previously mentioned installation in progress) i did a wonderful sketch of my new studio space :-)

And now for a Creativity Pause….