I’m delighted to announcing FOREST FORM an exhibition of Stone Sculpture by friend and fellow Artist Paul Vanstone & my large scale Images.

Paul and I had wanted to put on a joint show of this kind for some time now in fact ever since we were first introduced to each others work back in 2008. Having done a couple of concept gardens at Chelsea Flower Show we were on the look out for a suitable space large enough to house both our works when at last years show Simon the owner of the Stone Theatre Gallery popped by to say hello! The rest is as they say is history!

The exhibition celebrates the relationship that we both have with the ancient and natural world, a relationship that inspires and defines our work. When you consider trees pre date dinosaurs by some 60 million years which was in roughly the same period that Paul’s stone was being formed and then you compare Paul’s Indian Rain Forest Marble

to my Spring/Summer forest pictures or his Iranian Onyx to any of my Autumn pieces you begin to see patterns beyond the obvious and you like me might be able to use these patterns to ask and answer some larger problems, about being, conciseness about the nature of the world the nature of being!

It always surprises me that we humans who live for 70 odd years can so comfortably rattle of such absurd numbers; consider historically I’m ignoring the millions of years between the formation of Paul’s stone and the appearance of trees and then fast forwarding hundreds of millions of years to the present then I’m back tracking to when we showed up and commenting on how we feel like we have the right to call this planet ours over every other living thing extinct or not. The ability to think abstractly does seem to set us apart from the rest of life as we experience it but I always maintain or inability to use this gift wisely will ultimately be our undoing and I believe in time the earth will shake off mans grip and play host to God knows what type of beings in the distant future. Of course time as a concept is profoundly confusing!

You can visit the FOREST FORM exhibition until 12th May from 10 – 4 pm Monday to Saturday at

The Stone Theatre Gallery,

Newnham Terrace,

Hercules Road,

London SE1 7DR

Forest Form Exhibition