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I went to Frieze. Five hours on my feet. Exhausting. The rich must be tough. Missed the Art Crab. Saw a Henry Moore. Boat – Art is my cake writ large – bigged up big time? Asda art is ‘Chosen by You’ – Boat Art, your exclusive choice. Any difference? Of course there is. Purchase the cake and you have a £1 rollback bargain route to mastication heaven. Buy them both and you can sail and chew art simultaneously. Maybe Asda could issue certification of their goods as Art for an extra 10% at the checkout, and then roll back to 5% and watch sales soar. Interestingly the artist created a piece in 1992 in which he went into a supermarket with a bow and arrows and ‘hunted’ his purchases, which were taken to the checkout impaled upon hisarrows.http://www.lissongallery.com/#/artists/christian-jankowski/works/ In these collaborative times, I wonder if I could give away a signed cake to all purchasers of the boat? Different worlds. I’ve been drawing another bird, this time with considerable patience. I’m building up quite a collection. I don’t quite want to repeat myself, but there is something satisfying about the increasing obsessive nature of it. The act of drawing itself is repetitive at all levels of looking, describing, feeling, correcting, finding appropriate marks, pressures, actions, discovering, examining, reflecting, doubting, enjoying.. Perhaps I do want to repeat myself. If you can’t help it, enjoy it. I’m not an experimenter, more beachcomber.