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Drawing from memory as Jo Farnell suggested. More than the two weeks have passed. The difference is considerable, between this and the first drawing. The rather wooden reorganisation of shapes and disproportionate sizes of body parts that is apparent is like a child’s schematic drawing without the charm, in which knowing what is there is prior to seeing what is there, despite it being in front of the child. This is a kind of return to that but with adult marks. Memories have mixed and boundaries blurred. There is some pigeon DNA! I found that I had to begin drawing to free up, those memories that were accessible, and then visual and tactile memory worked together. A line on the paper prompted a mental image and so on. There is a lot, and much more than I thought, that was invented. I was unsure sometimes whether I was inventing or remembering. There is still a recognisable pheasantiness about this? But whether real pheasants would accept it as one of their own is questionable.