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Back to work. There are not enough hours in the day just to deal with distractions!! I have started a series of smallish paintings !8 x18in, 22 X 22in and 24 x 24in. Mixing greys again and building textures which will provide a context for the image that joins them. I am thinking "What you mean is 'backgrounds'… " but I am trying to resist the term since it smacks of formula – slap on a background and then paint an image onto it. I like greys especially when they are the product of colours and perhaps have a tint in them. I like the 'juiciness' of paint. This probably points to some unresolved infantile condition, but I'm reminded of Henry Moore's negative response to the possibility of psychoanalysis, on the grounds that it might remove his need for his work. The therapy of working is enjoyable but must never be allowed to solve the problem.I have the notion of using precise glazed images over the 'backgrounds'. I shall see.