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When I began this year I wanted to get far away from Jackson Pollock as possible, the reason is because I wanted my artwork to be remember as something that I did and not copied another artists’ technique. I was thinking about what I would want to say in my work, but the thing was that I did not know what I wanted to say in general. All my life I have found that I am kind of hiding a part of me that I do not want people to see, this was what it was like for most of my life but know all I want is to show the whole world who I really am as a person and an artist.


When I am an artist I express myself more than I do in life, and I do not want there to be two different versions of myself. So during my final year I thought to myself that I would put myself out there more and see what happens, it turns out that it was not as bad as I thought it would be. I have realized during this process that over thinking everything is not a good idea because in the end you will not get anything done. I have put the same process to my artwork, trying not to over think anything and seeing what the results will be at the end.


I am still not a hundred per cent what my final piece is going to be I have a few different ideas for example creating an installation of my work space using three dimensional printing, use the marks that I have on the wall or finding a way to display my canvases whether that is individually or together. This is the one thing throughout my course that I always over think because I want it to look like a professional piece of work.


Like I said previously I have always over thought this part of the process because I want it to look good enough to be in an exhibition, another problem that I am facing at the moment is that I need to try and get my multiple ideas down to two. Having two definite ideas means that I can get a space that fits the propose o what I want to create.