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It’s all about the development of a self-financed body of photographic work called ‘DILLIGAF’. The project began in 2005 and, in terms of image creation, was completed in 2016, but now needs a big push to begin transforming the material into a finished object, as a book.

I have enough experience of basic bookmaking techniques to feel confident about putting together a good quality dummy, but not enough experience of editing and designing to pull together an object as complex as the book object I envisage for this body of work: the number of images to edit (thousands of the things) and sequence has seemed petrifying, and at the end of 2016 I realised that I would need help breaking through the fear barring my progress.

The bursary a-n has generously awarded me is going to make it possible to buy the materials I need to produce dummies (the price of inks has gone up significantly since EUref… plus I’ll now be able to experiment with papers and layouts that I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford), and get much needed advice and feedback from some experienced photography and design professionals.

And then, getting a bursary like this just feels hugely encouraging generally, of course – thanks so much a-n!