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Nicola Smith

The running machine element to the work is now well and truly over. I like the simplicity of the circular structured text and image within it. I have been experimenting with cutting out the roundabout section of the picture in Photoshop and placing it at an angle. This has made the image look futuristic, like a flying saucer, which I like. Anna mentioned painting the gallery walls magnolia which initially I wasn't sure about but reflecting on this I think it's a good idea and has inspired some other works which are visually linked to the door piece but also has a domestic feel to it. I have been photographing some domestic objects in my studio at home and have been enjoying playing with perspective. I particularly like one image, which looks 2D, and the shapes within the frame almost look like they are floating. I question, does this fit in with the title/theme of the show? Does it really matter? The two pieces visually are clearly connected and both have a sense of instability.