Viewing single post of blog Dr J Beau & Mr H Haut

My eldest son started school last Thursday so I have a lot more time on my hands.

I have managed to contact a local framer who has said he will look at remaking the frames that have fallen to bits and have photographed some artwork without glass in front.

The images are just some of those that I am considering for the exhibition. They are all from Dr J Beau.

Dr J Beau’s landscapes are concerned with using the socially valued skills of mathematics, repetition, precision, tasteful colours and carefully blended gradients. His aim is to produce artwork that is not in anyway upsetting or challenging, shows clear progression from one image to the next and carries his signature.

More recent works have shown a more expressive use of colour and even attempts at spontaneous gesture.

More of Dr J Beau’s images will appear in the next blog.