I had my first final year group crit yesterday which went fairly well. My most recent work is based on experiments with material that are driven by my interest in juxtaposing images. As usual the most interesting part of the experience is hearing other people in the year talking about their work. My studio space is in the sculpture studios on the other side of the building from the drawing and painting rooms (where rooms are often locked) so I rarely get a good look around. The range of subjects and media that people are working on made me really excited about our degree show.

I updated my diary today so I would know exactly how long I had before I could panic. Today is the last day of week 7 of 30.

At the moment I’m feeling quite happy about where I am, it seems as though the pressure of fourth year naturally pushes your work forward at a faster rate. Fingers crossed I still feel like this in week 15 and 29!