Well today the reality of the degree show has really hit home for me. This afternoon we were given our space proposal forms and shown the final timetable for the installation.

It was announced last week that our degree show is going to be in the university this year, after rumour that it would be held outside like last year. ( In another building not open-air)

I suppose im happy about that but im not sure anymore, just happy to know that a decision has ben made!

As I prepare for the degree show and also another exhibiton in the university with two fellow students, I am feeling a little overwhelmed, not really with the workload but just the thought of it all.

Next week I will be installaling and be glad be tied to working and not all the other things I should be doing. Applying for lots of competitions and scholarships etc.

Its is fun though.

On advice from my tutors: the head of year told us that ‘life is a long game’