Viewing single post of blog Duncan of Jordanstone, University of Dundee

Have spent almost a month in the wood workshop… and I'm still there. The trifids are looking good though, that what I'm calling my tripods, with their three legs and one eye, look rather alien-like!

I'm all rather pleased with myself, though I still hammer in nails squint and drill at awkward angles, thus producing awkward angles!

Still nowhere on these scrolls, the whole conceptual ideals have gone out the window long ago, and now I'm merely attempting to mass produce, I kinda hate that it's evolved like that.

The point of producing work in a process form that conserved the durational time and allowing a spaces to be formed has lost all meaning now… makes me a bit sad that setting up for the degree show has reduced it to this. But in order to get the degree, it must be done.