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Unfortunately, I discovered a few weeks ago that there were issues with where I was accessing the information for my work, and I have therefore had to change a few elements of my work, including editing the design of the labels that I have made to convey information about the plants that I’ve drawn to the viewer.

The image above shows the new style labels and the changes thatI have made to the, the most notable being:

  • The QR code takes you to Kew Gardens Plants of the World Website, or another relevant site, such as RBGE (Catacol Whitebeam).
  • The labels now have Image and Information sources (citations) in the bottom left hand corner, which will also be supported by a generic label on the wall about the sources of information and imagery.

Although these seem very simple changes they took quite a while to devise and fully implement – although I now think that they are more successful than the original – they are certainly much more simple and legible for the viewer, and will hopefully aid rather than confuse their understanding of the work.

I am also pleased with the referencing of the sources – as not only does this make it clear where the information I used is from, but it also shows the viewer that genuine thought and research has gone into this project, and that these plants are real and all of the data is scientific and can be traced back, by the viewer, to the sources that I have named.