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Origin Way. Summer. June. 17.20 hours. Friday evening.

A perpetual backdrop of scowling traffic ebbed and flowed along its A180 tributary.

The latest intake of notional students lolled around on the red sun-baked paving of Origin Way.

Europarc nine to fivers began exiting the site for a weekend of prescribed leisure whilst security guards, process workers and cleaning operatives remained in situ.

X registered a moment of sublimation as a crow hopped from one lamp post to the next.

The lights transformed from dim grey glow to an illuminated orange as the fowl of the air landed upon each pedestal.

A dyed blonde-haired woman in her early thirties drove past.

She lit a post-work cigarette upon exiting Origin Way.

X lurked among the carefully tended shrubbery – it’s gaze gently resting upon an empty glass balancing on a steel bollard.

The fresh-faced students continued to bathe in a collective subconscious haze.